ISRM (India) provides information regarding latest developments in the subject to its members and all its members automatically enrolled as members of ISRM. The member gets the following benefits:

  • ISRM News Journal from ISRM Secretariat
  • ISRM (India) News Letter published four times a year
  • Discount rates in publications and registration fee etc.
  • The ISRM membership directory, published in 4 years, with full addresses, telephone, telefax and e-mail numbers of members
  • Literature/ information bulletions of seminar/ conferences pertaining to the subject being organized by different organizations in India / abroad
  • Can submit papers to International Seminar / Conferences being organized by International Society for Rock Mechanics through the National Committee
  • Can submit nomination for Rocha Medal to ISRM Secretariat through Indian National Committee ( Rocha Medal is a bronze Medal and cash prize has been awarded annually since 1982 by the ISRM to recognize outstanding young researchers in the field of Rock Mechanics)

  • Indian Committee on Large Dams (INCOLD)

    Plot No. 4, Institutional Area
    CBIP Building, Malcha Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi – 110021, India
    Phone: 91-11-26116567/6111294/26115984 - Fax: 91-11-26116347
    e-mail: sunil@cbip.or;;